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Synergism™ software is currently available free of charge.  After using the fully funtional DEMO should you decide that Synergism™ is the handicapping program for you, the software can be registered and arrangements made for pre-paying a two month subscription for Synergism™ race files downloaded from Handicappers Data Warehouse (HDW).  This is accomplished by clicking the "Purchase/Register" button at the Synergism™ Main Menu and completing the software registration form. 

Your initial subscription of $180.00 covers unlimited downloading of files on the following basis:

  • The remaining days in the month in which you first subscribe.
  • The full next succeeding month.

After your initial subscription period, data file subscriptions from HDW may be continued on a month to month basis and may also be cancelled and/or renewed at any time by email, fax or telephone.  If you decide to discontine downloading files for a period of time, check this website to insure that you are using the most recent version of Synergism™.  There are no charges whatsoever for upgrading the software.  Only a current month HDW data file subscription is required to resume using Synergism™ on current races.

Daily race files are low in cost when you consider what you get.  Synergism™ race files from HDW are not just Past Performances, but also include Track Profiles, Result Charts, Trainer/Jockey Statistics and other important handicapping data.  All of this for only $90.00 per month for unlimited daily files!

We maintain high quality support to our customers and provide continuous research and development of new and exciting ideas that will guarantee Synergism™ remains on the cutting edge of the computer handicapping industry.  We believe this to be the best value in the industry.